Are you prepared for regulators to tighten restrictions on alternative strategy mutual funds?
Friday, January 24th, 2020 and is filed under Alternative Strategy Mutual Funds
If your firm approves all fund company mutual funds, additional due diligence may be needed based on continued regulatory guidance on alternative strategy mutual funds.
Some financial firms have raised questions about the need for conducting additional research on alternative mutual funds given their complex structure compared to traditional mutual funds. Both FINRA and the SEC have published supporting regulatory detail to help differentiate the need for additional due diligence on alternative mutual funds.
How are you demonstrating your understanding of the complexities of alternative strategy mutual funds?
According to PwC’s recent report, Alternative asset management 2020-Fast forward to centre stage, “In the light of the attention from regulators, asset management firms should enter this new line of business well-prepared from a compliance and organisational standpoint. This includes:
- training
- assessing customer suitability
- marketing and education
- building out compliance and surveillance, and
- robust liquidity risk management.”
Take the first step. Let AI Insight help your firm:
1) Identify potential risk exposure
2) Determine due diligence needs
3) Establish policies and procedures around Alternative Strategy Mutual Funds
Contact us for a complimentary Risk Exposure Analysis to see if your firm may need to conduct additional due diligence on alternative strategy mutual funds.
Related Regulatory References
- FINRA Alert: Alternative Funds Are Not Your Typical Mutual Funds
- SEC Investor Bulletin: Alternative Mutual Funds
- FINRA RN 12-03: Heightened Supervision of Complex Products
Training Resources
- CE Course: Introduction to Alternative Mutual Funds
- Practice Management Checklist: Sourcing, Applying and Documenting Alternative Mutual Funds in your Practice
- AI Insight Alternative Mutual Fund Research Report