Public Non-Traded REIT Industry Insights – 2nd Quarter 2018
Wednesday, October 10th, 2018 and is filed under AI Insight News
Total AUM for the non-traded REIT market remained steady in Q2 2018 at $86.2 billion, a tiny slice of the $1.145 trillion traded REIT market.
- Open programs represent $19.5 billion or 23% of this total, a larger percentage than prior quarters as capital raise has increased for active NTRs and older generation NTRs have liquidated assets.
- In terms of sector exposures, the industry is primarily allocated to diversified programs at 67.2% of total AUM, with healthcare/data center and industrial programs the closest competitors at 9.8% and 8.2% of total AUM, respectively.

AI Insight is introducing Industry Reporting in the first quarter of 2019, which will include this and many more insights into the key non-traded markets. To inquire about accessing these expansive data reports, please contact us directly.