Private Placement Update – October: Focus on 1031s
Friday, November 23rd, 2018 and is filed under AI Insight News
- There were 8 new 1031 programs activated on the AI Insight platform in October for a combined $266.9 million in total offering amount.
- The category is up 67.4% from the prior year in total YTD offering amount, and is on track to exceed 2016’s record of number of programs activated.
- Multifamily remains the top sector within the 1031 space, with 35 of the 72 programs and 58.3% of max offering amount. Healthcare, Net Lease, and Student Housing are next, representing 12.4%, 10.8%, and 7.7%, respectively, while Retail and Industrial represent less than 3.0% each – a major change from the pre-recession marketplace.
- ON DECK: As of November 21, six DST programs activated in November with one more coming soon.

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